I was off on Friday so I went to one of our government centers and stood in line for 1.5 hours and voted absentee. I can not stand in lines so I was very lucky that they had chairs every where. People were so great. Everyone was in a good excited mood. The guy behind me kept my place open and when he got to the end I got back in line. If only I had taken my knitting with me. They opened at 1:00, I got into the door at 1:05 and they projected a 1.5 hour wait. Spot on! I have my "I Voted" sticker to wear on Today when I get to work this morning. It's all over but for the lines and the results. I will be go glad! Just think we have to do this again in 4 years. I think we should have a King or Queen, and to think we won that war without all the technology! I just hate the ads, the money spent, the back biting. I hope tomorrow is a new day.
If we do not get out of 1raq this could be our future! The Women of 1raq only got the right to vote in 1980. This is what it looked like for them to vote on 1/30/05. I thought that after we destroyed their country we took occupation to rebuild the infrastructure and help the people get back to a feet and live normal life. At this point in time I do not think we have gotten very far. I think B*sh's new job should be to run 1raq. Let's see what he can do for that country because he sure has not been good for our's. Just a bit of US history of Woman Voting.
American women advocated women's right to vote from the 1820s onward. One colonial forerunner, Lydia Chapin Taft was granted the right to vote in 1756 by the town of Uxbridge, Massachusetts colony. In the United States, this was first achieved in the relatively sparsely-populated territories of Wyoming (1869) and briefly in Utah (1870), although Utah women were disenfranchised by the U.S. Congress in 1887. The push to grant women's suffrage in Utah was at least partially fueled by outsiders' belief that, given the right to vote, Utah women would dispose of polygamy. After Utah women exercised their suffrage rights in favor of polygamy the U.S. Congress disenfranchised Utah women.[ Other territories and states granted women the right to vote in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but national women's suffrage did not come until the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified in 1920. We have only had the right to vote for 88 years!!
Here is a link to Woman's right to vote world wide. Interesting.
I will get off my soap box.