Read all about it here Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest. It all started with Suzanne, then a group of the gals in our department at work got on board. We submitted our application with these two pictures. You are only allowed to send two pictures. Hopefully we will get a call and the Post will send over a courier to pick up our diorama to take pictures as the winner. We work in the beauty industry so it was a perfect moment to pick. The rules stipulated:
"We want you to make a diorama of a famous occurrence or scene. It can be a historical, current or future event, or it can be a nod to pop culture. The main rule is that all the characters must be played by Peeps, those marshmallowy chicks and rabbits that start plaguing checkout lines in every grocery and convenience store this time of year."
So this is our take on a famous occurrence. 
HECK YES! Y'all are definitely going to take home the Easter Basket with this entry. Holy cow! It's awesome!!!
My father and I LOVE us some PEEPS!!! Your diorama is really cute. You need to do a PEEP knitting group!
OMG! That is absolutely the BEST! LOL Super job and looks like it was a ton of fun to put together. :)
Good luck! My MIL loves Peeps...
Peeps is my thing, baby! Thanks for the Peeps pics and the link to the Wash Post contest!
But the thought of a diorama brings back bad memories of Jr. High School (aka "Middle School") and High School. I never did understand what the f*ck the teachers (the NON-art class teachers) thought they were doing when they assigned projects like "build a replica of Ford's Theater as it would have looked the night Lincoln was assassinated, out of balsa wood, chip board, construction paper, toothpicks, #3 corrugated ribbon, and a 9"x9" aluminum baking pan." I would always get teamed with some other dumb schmuck who had even less artistic talent than I did, and we would invariably get a D- of the stupid project. Jeez, "DIORAMA!" Yaaaarghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
Heh, that is very funny! Well done! I hope you get in!!
We don't have Peeps here in Australia, just TONS of chocolate Easter Eggs, bunnies, and hot cross buns. I think Australia consumes more chocolate at Easter than any other country in the world. Yum. And it isn't even Spring here- - Easter is an autumn festival here! It's always kinda weird to me - all the spring / new life chicky bunny imagery, with the weather cooling down, harvesting, and the handknits coming out...
That's hysterical! I love it.
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