Edit: read about Peeps here. I just took it for granted that everyone knew what peeps were. This is one on the great things about blogging we meet people and learn about all cultures
I needed to leave work early yesterday for my 6 month dental appointment. Love getting the teeth cleaned. So I don't know if I missed my Bilby. You have to go to Denise's web page and see her beautiful drawings. She is a very talented artist. I brought one of her t-shirts with the Blue Willow painting. I've collected Delft since I was 18 and was drawn to this one. It was hard to choose.
In Other News
You need to bunny hop over to Chan's blog & tell her a story about something you got talked into doing! She is having her 1 year Bloggiversary and wants us to entertain her! The contest will run through midnight on April 1. So hurry on over.
On the Medical Front
I've been seeing my GP for sinus infections since last November and had temporary results. On the third visit in three month I asked "do you think I should see an ENT" "Good idea she says" And they get paid the big bucks! (I checked my insurance claims and they were paid $180 for each office visit, FGFS, and office visit!) I had to wait 6 weeks for the appointment so just went to the ENT this Thursday. She did the scope and took pictures & culture. Numbed me with Lanocain, back in 1986 went I was last to an ENT they used c0caine to numb. I am to use the Neti pot morning and night. I was only using it in the morning when it was bad. Use breath right strip (got the generic CVS ones) at night. Gave me a script for Veramyst. Then make a appointment for allergy test (They have a special nurse that does that and makes her own appointments). Test to see what I may be allergic to. So she knows I live with 4 cats. She said I will not need to give them up. I know I'm not allergic to cats. So I say" and what would be the purpose of the allergy test? What will it prove? That I can be allergic to my cats, pollen, air pollution?? Or is this just another "procedure" to go through, spend more insurance money? OK, I'm leaving this subject, it get me riled up. As Gypsy Rose Lee said "you gotta have a gimmick" and the doctors sure have theirs.
Speaking of cats you have to drop in here. Kristen has such great history & pictures posted about her furry family.
I thought Peeps where everywhere! I'll be interested in what an Easter Bilby is!
Happy Easter!!
I don't know what either a Peeps is or an Easter Bilby! Hope you manage to sort out your sinus problem. Mine are bad most of the time now, although if I get a cold they play me up for months afterwards! I have only had anti biotics for mine, I know just how painful and debilitating the problem can be.
I'm sorry you have had a sinus infection. Jessi of AL Fiber Dreams has the same kind of story - it sounds just awful to have that going on.
Neat Peep swap!
Thanks again for such a great Peeps Treat box! Lulu (my knitted lamb) loves her new lamby friend :) I hope my box of goodies arrives soon!!
A bilby is an endangered Australian marsupial. Rabbits are an introduced and hugely destructive species here. Some years ago some bright spark started up the Easter Bilby as a way of raising awareness for this endangered animal. We still get chocolate Easter Bunnies and eggs etc, of course, but there are also chocolate Easter Bilbies :)
Sorry to hear about the sinus problems - very painful :(
I can't wait to see your Easter Bilby, how interesting!
Sorry to hear you have been having sinus problems too! I do too, & I'm NOT giving up the furbaby regardless! I have been having problems with my alergy meds giving me splitting headaches, then if I don't take them I get a headache from being stopped up! Just can't win....
I love the knit lamb. Where ever did you find him/her?
And thanks for the heads up about putting the word verification on my blog. It has reduced my spam amazingly!
You are so lucky! Love your new yarns!! Denise's artwork is wonderful!! I can't wait to see what an Easter Bilby is. Sounds like she has a wonderful Easter box coming from you. Love the cat hallway! They look so chill.
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