Denise also sent a Cherry Ripe. Who knew Cadbury made different candies for different countries. It was delicious. I just found this site where we can order About Australia & British Delights. There was also bar of Lemon Myrtle Natural Soap. She also sent a package of 100 Collector's Stamps. Thank you Denise. I'm still daring you you to show us your purple hair with the bunny ears!
Saturday Morning
My Garden
The pear tree at two weeks.
My lone Hyacinth. It was forced in house many, many years ago and has doubled in size. It is a deep dark purple.
Ants: I had this problem last year but I did not think it would happen so early in the season. I left an empty soda cup on my coffee table and when I got home Tuesday and went to turn on the remote there were tiny ants traveling up and down this empty cup. Now my coffee table is about 15 ft from the front door. These little suckers were coming in from the front door following the edge of the area rug turning right along said carpet and climbing up the coffee table to the empty cup. I had just walked in from a 40 minute commute and this was not good. I had to pee. But I could not stand to let them do their thing a second longer. I grab the closest thing at hand, 409 cleaner, spray the ants, the table, and found where they were coming from. I sprayed all around the edge of the carpet out to the front door. Oh, I have to go! I'm determined to finish this killing spree. I then grab my swifter, add a dusting pad to it and swipe the area I had sprayed. This is getting to me, I don't want to wet my pants. Globs of paper towels, a couple of swifter dusting pads and then I went to the bathroom. The cats were watching in panic as their Mom (maid) must be out of her mind. This was not the routine. We must be fed! They all followed me to the bathroom. Pia, of course, yelling for the group. Finished up, fed them and cleaned up some more. All was right in our world.
Now tell me, do the ants send out 1 guy to scout for a sticky empty cup of soda. Did they investigate all 1000 sq ft of my place to settle there? How the hell do they do it? Did the lead guy have a bugle and then called in the troupes. Why not the kitchen sink? The was a sticky empty bowl of ice cream sitting in the sink. I'm not sure what gods plan was for these tiny creatures but they sure get to me.
We get bad ants in the kitchen each summer and I can only keep them away by spraying Mr. Clean on the counter like 4 times a day. I hope they don't come early this year!
Cute Bilby! (I can't help but say that with an Aussie accent).
Oh..no...ANTS! You know we spray the exterior of the house all the way around and don't have a problem. Ace used to sit and watch them make their way to and from his food bowl...
We had an an infestation like that at my Mom's last year. You could eat off my mom's floor, too, and all it took was an empty juice cup.
So glad you're enjoying your Aussie treats! It was fun putting the box of goodies together :) If you like honeycomb, then Violet Crumbles are the thing to get, too!
We call our house Kingdom of the Ants - we get all kinds inside, from tiny speck ones to the big red and black sugar ants. I think it's because we're on a slab, they can get in so easily.
Love the Aussie treats! And, your blossoms are so pretty. Hyacinths are one of my favorite Spring fragrances. Ants - hate them - spraying the exterior will help. There's also a product called Terra where you put just a little drop in something (like the top of a soda bottle or a little round of aluminum foil) and set it out where the problem is. It works really well but would have to be kept out of kitty range.
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