I started these socks on Jauraury 18 to take with me on the Knitters Retreat 08. I needed something simple so I could talk & knit. They are basic sock pattern knit on magic loop two together. Cast on 72 stitches, 36 on each needle x 2 socks. Pattern is plain old k2, p2.
I completed the leg of each at the retreat. Last weekend I did the heal flap, gusset and the rest of the foot. I figured I would have the toe decreases completed on Monday. Not.
By the time I would get home from work and do what you do when you get home it would be 8 when I would settle down to knit. Monday I got a couple of rounds down and was so tired I put it down and went to sleep.
The same thing happened, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Friday would be it! When I packed away my socks on Thurday I was not careful so on Friday a couple of stitches slipped off. Pain. Fixed it and finally completed the toe of sock 1 using the Kitchner stitch. Now onto sock two. Done. Then I found out I did not pick up a stitch! So know I'm trying to pull out the kitchnerand rip back. Done.
So now it is Saturday morning and this is what I have. I will be picking up the stitches to get them back on the needle. Lets see how long this will take. Pain!