
Monday, May 26, 2008

Much better

Don't you agree? I have dozens of patterns. I looked through Ravelry. So many new sock patterns are toe up. I haven't tried that yet. I always say the next pair.

What I look for in a pattern is how many stitches and row in the repeat. The Show-off Stranded Socks fits the bill but it really looks better in a variegated yarn. So I went back to a pattern I did for Robin's PIF socks. You work the pattern repeat over 4 stitches + 2 p, and 4 rows. With my beaded stitch counter it is a no brainer. I can set it down and and always tell were I'm at. I'm knitting 9 to 5 again.

Have mentioned how Sissy wakes me up by shredding my magazines. She does this when short of sitting on my face does not work. BUT when I hear the shedding she know I will get up and yell at her to stop. In trying to not set this bad habit in stone, I've been holding back on the reaction. Just leaves more damage. Usually it is the cover or the post-it notes I tab on the pages. There are a few babies past and coming up that I thought, gee, why not knot a present? So I wanted to do the BSJ but I have not brought the pattern. This EZ sweater was in last years Vogue Spring Summer issue. I had the page turned back and set it morning this...

Today was a beautiful day as was the whole weekend. Here is Stanley enjoying some time out.


Bea said...

I think that sock is looking really good!

Lynn said...

Oh that sock looks nice!!! And I feel your pain with the magazine. Is it still readable??

Rachel said...

I had a cat with similar quirks...except it wasn't magazines...she'd eat my plants to get me out of bed!

I thought the other pattern looked fine (still an amateur sock knitter obviously) until I saw the pattern you chose--better!

Bubblesknits said...

Oh man! She really did shred it! I think I have a copy of that issue. If I can find it, I'd be happy to mail it to you! Just let me know. :-)

Cat said...

You are such a good knitter!

Don't hate me, though! I have tagged you on my site. Please play... ok? Cathy

picperfic said...

what a naughty pussy cat! hope you can still read it? I love the green sock pattern too, nice and chumpy! Is there such a word? lol

cinnamongirl93 said...

The sock is looking great! Nice work!