Friday, May 20, 2011
It all Started on June 09, 2007
I started this blog on 6/9/2007 to join a knitting swap called "Knitters Virtual Vacation". I am still in touch with many of the vacationers.
We all say this-I did not realize that it has been that long since I posted, I started this post on 2/5/11 but did not put it up. I'm trying out some of the new features that blogger has added. I have made a 'new' page "About me" and I'm thinking of one about my cats and other subjects that I think my friends might like.
I am still unemployed and so many of my hours a day are looking at jobs from so many sources that it has become a full time job. I have come to realize that I am not marketable in the industry I have always worked in. I need to reinvent myself. Then there is the 'age' issue. Everyone is letting go of the experienced workers-read-older and higher paid. Then they post the job looking for level entry but want all the experience that the person they just let go has.
What I really need to do is apply for social security disability. When I'm not looking for work I go to doctor appointments. If you have have advice let me know? There is so much information out there and on the SS site that my mind goes numb.
Now for your viewing pleasure-
We all say this-I did not realize that it has been that long since I posted, I started this post on 2/5/11 but did not put it up. I'm trying out some of the new features that blogger has added. I have made a 'new' page "About me" and I'm thinking of one about my cats and other subjects that I think my friends might like.
I am still unemployed and so many of my hours a day are looking at jobs from so many sources that it has become a full time job. I have come to realize that I am not marketable in the industry I have always worked in. I need to reinvent myself. Then there is the 'age' issue. Everyone is letting go of the experienced workers-read-older and higher paid. Then they post the job looking for level entry but want all the experience that the person they just let go has.
What I really need to do is apply for social security disability. When I'm not looking for work I go to doctor appointments. If you have have advice let me know? There is so much information out there and on the SS site that my mind goes numb.
Now for your viewing pleasure-
2/15/2011 Here is Pia all stretched out.
and this is the little girl I adopted on 1/23/2005
4/12/2011- Sissy & Pia-it is very rare that they are together. They were close as kittens but as they got older they have own special spots. Sissy spends most of her time with me and Zorro has now started taking a spot on the couch.Sissy is not that happy but is giving him some space
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Still here but lost in a row boat with 1 oar
Hello to anyone who is still out there. I have not visited my blog friends is months. I am going to keep this short. I lost my knitting muse. I cast on a pair of socks on 1/1/10 so I could start the new year on the right foot.
On 5/21, my Supervisor and I who complied the whole of the "Production" department were given immediate notice that our services were no longer needed "due to restructuring of the Production function within ****** company.
I have never not had a job. The market out there sucks. You can not believe the job requirements. It looks like every job want a Bachelors degree to just answer the phones. In addition to the over done job descriptions, high school & college graduates are in the running because they are all level entry so many companies are going to take advantage of that for the summer months. I have over 30 years of experience which does not seem to count for much right now. I've been applying for jobs that I am over qualified for but that is OK, I could deal with less stress right now.
The cats love having me home. I have taken dozen of pictures of them. They are such clowns. Sissy in particular loves having me home to the point where I am more than ready not be be at home. I spend 6-8 hours searching for jobs on many different sites and she is right next to me looking for attention. She is doing things that she never did before.
We all know how our furry friends like boxes. Zorro had been curled up sleeping but by the time I got the camera he sat up. Then he left.
Within seconds Sissy got it. She stayed awhile then she took off, she just could not help herself to find out what Zorro saw in the box. She & Zorro are pals. The are the frick & frack of my kitty brood.
Every morning I open the front door and the morning sun comes in. Sissy & Pia grab a spot. This spot has become Pia's main spot. Here is my fat cat in all her glory. No shame here.
Have to go now, job search continues. I will do better in posting, it might also help me talk to adults.
On 5/21, my Supervisor and I who complied the whole of the "Production" department were given immediate notice that our services were no longer needed "due to restructuring of the Production function within ****** company.
I have never not had a job. The market out there sucks. You can not believe the job requirements. It looks like every job want a Bachelors degree to just answer the phones. In addition to the over done job descriptions, high school & college graduates are in the running because they are all level entry so many companies are going to take advantage of that for the summer months. I have over 30 years of experience which does not seem to count for much right now. I've been applying for jobs that I am over qualified for but that is OK, I could deal with less stress right now.
The upside to being home this long is that I have cleaned out my garden and going through closets and drawers. I have already made two trips to Goodwill. I have taken pictures of Barbie's and other collectibles to put up on Ebay. Then there is a collection of 'vintage' that I will try on Etsy.
These garden pictures were taken back in May. Since then the landscapers cut everything back so the management company can fix the soffit, roof & gutters. If I had not "been home" I would not have know I had a problem. So that was an upside of not working.
I was going to take these into work like I do every year but before I had a chance I did not have the job.
The cats love having me home. I have taken dozen of pictures of them. They are such clowns. Sissy in particular loves having me home to the point where I am more than ready not be be at home. I spend 6-8 hours searching for jobs on many different sites and she is right next to me looking for attention. She is doing things that she never did before.

Zorro eating out of Pia's bowl. Took this one so you could see how big she is.
Here is Stanley on the bottom shelf of my gardening bench. This is one place he spends a lot of time staying cool in the afternoons
This was taken in the morning. This was as close as I could get. I took one move forward and he left this spot.

Have to go now, job search continues. I will do better in posting, it might also help me talk to adults.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Friday, December 25, 2009
George Thorogood and the Destroyers - Rock n roll christmas
Merry Christmas to all. Had to share this one with you and to let all know I am still around and still working on the forever sweater!! 24 more stitches to the sleeves bind off, soak, block and sew together. My plan to have it done by the 31st!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A Bear for Anthony
This is the first 'toy' I have made. It is from itty-bitty nursery by Susan B. Anderson. There are more patterns that I will make. I used Sugar'n Cream Citrus Fruits. Size 3 circular needles, knitting back and forth. I purchased the book at my fav yarn store Knit Picks. It is made in all squares and in garter stitch. How easy is that. 
8/25/09- Well, I tried to add a slide show when I 1st posted this. Still have a lot to learn. So here is Anthony's bear

Saturday, August 22, 2009
I always wanted to go there. I remember making Tinkerbell well as a kid. Now that I am no longer that young (but I am still a kid at heart) I will share what has been going on.
I started Knitting the back panel of Hey, Teach on 6/21/09. I got to the armhole decreases on 7/9/09. I had some much trouble with row 7. Designer should point this out and give us a heads up on how to work it. I have ripped out, tinked back so much that I could have made a dozens of these!!

I started Knitting the back panel of Hey, Teach on 6/21/09. I got to the armhole decreases on 7/9/09. I had some much trouble with row 7. Designer should point this out and give us a heads up on how to work it. I have ripped out, tinked back so much that I could have made a dozens of these!!
Detail of Pattern
The back completed
I knit the front & back panels up to where the pattern starts. This went well. I then started the left front. That too caused me so much trouble. I understood the pattern. I could see where I screwed up and would tink back. This should have taken me hours to do. Maybe not at one sitting but over a few night or over a weekend. NOT! I tinked this more than the back. I finally completed the last 5 rows Sunday 8/16/09. After binding off the left front I put the left front back on the needles. Counted my stitches, like a good girl should. I am making the largest size so I should have 61 stitches. I had 57! So ribbit! I ended the night casting on the 61 stitches and went to sleep. Or so I thought
I had a sleepless night on Monday and went to work and got home without sleeping for 38 hours. I have been dealing with Fibromyalgia for over 25 years. I did my regular nighttime(checked emails, faceb00k and played bejeweled) routine then took my night time pills around 8 pm and had a great nights sleep. I woke up Tuesday feeling better than I have in a long time. Work has been busy-crazy. Well, Tuesday was a rare day and the rest of the week I dealt with the pain that comes and goes in different parts of the body.
to be continued
Thursday, July 9, 2009
1st post with email-
6/29/09-This is my first posting using my email. I have set up the setting to save as draft. 7/9/09-I am finally posting it!
This is some fabric that I won from Melissa Morgan Oakes. It is something I received as a runner up 'famous' Lexie Barnes fabric giveaway. I won this back in April. That is how far I am behind in keeping up with my blog and you, my readers.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Special News Alert-----KSee Abducted
This reporter (msknitnohow) just finished an interview with KSee. I felt it was important to report to her family and friends how & why she was abducted. To explain why she has not read 402 posts on g00gle reader, read her normal email and try to keep up with Facebook.
She stopped spending time on the computer. She fed her 4 cats, yes 4! Got the junk mail, undressed and sat down and would pick up where she last left off. This thing had taken over her life. I asked if this object would even let her sleep and go to work. KSee responded "Yes, but not by choice. My life is no longer my own"
She said "it all started late in the evening of June 20, 2009". She started a swatch which was finished early the next morning. She then cast on 125 stitches, knit 4 rows of 1 x 1 ribbing. For the next few nights she was obsessed, this would be the one. She knit in stockinette st until her project measured 8 inches. Her every waking moment went into working on this object. There was one decrease row which left her with only 115 sts. KSee was able to successfully knit 8 rows of 1 x 1 ribbing.
The following weekend 6/27 found KSee attached, absorbed in this project. Now it was time to start the lace part of this object. She showed me the pattern and tells me "it is very simple pattern, 8 repeats with twelve rows per pattern". As I am (msknitnohow) clueless, I just nodded as I was afraid that she would loose it if I told her the truth, I have no freaking idea what she is doing. All I see is little boxes with strange symbols. I'm just sent out on assignments. What do I know?
That was when it became a serious problem. She told me "I don't even want to stop to eat or pee!" Now people, this woman has a very big problem. As I sit here looking at her, I see that she could stand to stop eating but peeing-- now that is something even I do not want to picture. I feel like I should call in a mediator, but for what, I wonder. Does she need a shrink? She has a mentor at her office who accomplished this project in less than 10 days. I let it go at that.
As of today (12 days and counting) she has ripped out, tinked back and made every mistake that could be made. Over and over again, no less that 6 times, all this past week. KSee tells me that this will not get the better of her. She plans on persevering. "FGS, how difficult can 8 repeats be."
At this time we take a break. KSee comes back with the abductor. She shows me that she is back to the ribbing. Some how she ended up with 116 stitches last night, on the 1st row of the pattern. That was when sleep took over.
This reporter will certainly keep in touch with KSee and will report back to you how things fair. This is so serious that I believe that I can convince my editor to bring a photographer with me on my next visit. Oh, BTW when she showed me the object I had no idea what it was.
to be continued
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What kind of Sheep are you?
I found this on Anita's blog. So what the hey! You can find the quiz here.
I lost the link to the description, took the quiz again and was a different sheep. Go figure.

I am going to finish my project today and make a swatch to knit Hey Teach (Rav link) or here at My co-worker Carol started her's and I love how it is coming along. I have Classic Silk in color 6956. I got it at In Stitches 2007 at the Webs booth. They do not have this color any more so I guess it is discontinued. I did a search and found this site that has the color.I have enough to make this sweater. I will keep good notes for this one. Wish me luck!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
My creation
I created this last year for something we were doing on the blogs. I could never figure out how to upload it.
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